Patriotic Flag Pallet – Pinterest Project Success

Patriotic Flag Pallet - Pinterest Project Success |
I saw this Flag made out of a pallet on Pinterest. I loved it. It never went to a tutorial. Was a photo only. So I decided to try and make one myself. It seemed easy enough πŸ™‚ I do know from others making them some of their paints didn’t work as well as I personally would have liked, so I went a different route.

Patriotic Flag Pallet - Pinterest Project Success |
My hubby found me a pallet on the side of a road and brought it home and power washed it clean for me πŸ™‚Β  Once dried I was able to start to paint it πŸ™‚

Patriotic Flag Pallet - Pinterest Project Success |

I bought Acrylic paint from Hobby Lobby.Β  In red, white and blue πŸ™‚Β  I bought the larger size bottles because I hope to make more of these pallets. They were easy and fun! Will make some for family & friends πŸ™‚ I just use a Styrofoam plate and a brush I had on hand to paint my pallet.

Patriotic Flag Pallet - Pinterest Project Success |

My sweet lionheaded rabbit named Cupcake was my assistant during all of this. He knew I wanted to keep the pallet rustic and rough edges – so he helped me out by chewing up and sampling my pallet πŸ™‚

Patriotic Flag Pallet - Pinterest Project Success |

I painted each color starting with red as the top stripe. Doing 1/2 on the top 3 wood slats. I gave each color two very thick coats. To insure how bright and pretty the colors to show.

Patriotic Flag Pallet - Pinterest Project Success |
White I actually had to put 3 coats on. I could have stopped at 2 but wanted it to stand out.

Patriotic Flag Pallet - Pinterest Project Success |
Once I painted the blue and everything dried. I used my silhouette and cut out stars on carstock. Spaced out to help keep my stars lined up and equally spaced apart. Using a foam brush to paint them on.

Patriotic Flag Pallet - Pinterest Project Success |
I only dabbed the paint for the stars originally I didn’t want too much bleeding. Once I oculd see the stars outline, I went back with a smaller acrylic brush and filled the stars in nice and bright

Patriotic Flag Pallet - Pinterest Project Success |
Once my stars were all painted on – 5 per row and then had them shift a bit on each row similar to the American flag – I wanted to seal my color in for outside use.

Photo Jun 03, 7 43 34 AM
Simply sprayed on 3 coats of matte finish krylon paint.Β  Easy Peasy!

Patriotic Flag Pallet - Pinterest Project Success |

Here is my pallet. In the front of my house decorating it for 4th of July early πŸ™‚ I love it! I plan to add more plants to my front bed and have some greenery grow on it. I plan to leave it out all year.

I am very happy with the turn out and how bright and vivid it is. LOVE LOVE IT!!!


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