Make your own Pinewood Derby Trophy for Cub Scouts

Make Your Own Pinewood Derby Trophy - Cub Scouts |

Surfing Pinterest we saw this idea and instantly fell in love with it. It was quick and we were able to do this in one evening (You know as in the night before the pinewood derby- that’s how we roll!)

There was no tutorial on this just a photo on Pinterest so I decided to blog how we make this- for anyone else interested ๐Ÿ™‚

Make Your Own Pinewood Derby Trophy - Cub Scouts |

These blocks are cut from 2×4’s. They measure 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 inch triangles. Then spray painted a navy blue.

The next photo we forgot to get a picture of – is us spray paying all the hot wheel cars that we got for 1.00 each at Walmart. Spray pain them gold. We didn’t spray the bottom of the cars as they are black and you won’t see them.

Make Your Own Pinewood Derby Trophy - Cub Scouts |

While they were drying- Using white vinyl I cut out the Pack Numbers on my Silhouette machine. They were approx 2 inches to fit on the side of the triangle. Then I also cut out a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place numbers for 3 of the trophies.

Make Your Own Pinewood Derby Trophy - Cub Scouts |

Transfer on the vinyls to your dry wood triangles.

Make Your Own Pinewood Derby Trophy - Cub Scouts |

3 of them we added which award they were for on the opposite side of 3 wood pieces.

Make Your Own Pinewood Derby Trophy - Cub Scouts |

Using a very large glob of E-6000 Glue – This is my FAVORITE glue ever.ย  You need quite a bit of it because the bottom of the cars do not touch the wood due to the wheels.

Make Your Own Pinewood Derby Trophy - Cub Scouts |

Place the car near the back top of the trophy. Hold it in place for a minute. This glue DOES dry fast however since you are using SO MUCH of it- it will need to dry over night to cure and harden.

Make Your Own Pinewood Derby Trophy - Cub Scouts |

We used a piece of left over 2×4 to prop the trophies on its back corner to make the area FLAT for the cars to dry other wise the cars slide down and move.

Make Your Own Pinewood Derby Trophy - Cub Scouts |

Make Your Own Pinewood Derby Trophy - Cub Scouts |

They look so good! The boys were VERY VERY excited to receive these trophies and they did not break the bank. We will be making these again next year. Maybe in a different shape wood or color etc. We will change it up however we really liked having homemade trophies to give the boys. They were SUPER excited! (And we were excited how they turned out!!)



5 Responses to Make your own Pinewood Derby Trophy for Cub Scouts
  1. tavette
    March 6, 2013 | 3:36 pm

    Clever, inexpensive & something kids can easily make while learning various techniques.

    My only question is – why are the cars pointed downward rather than up the ramp?

  2. C&MB
    March 6, 2013 | 11:09 pm

    It is going down the ramp just like it does in pinewood derby. They start at the top of the ramp and slide down the ramp for the race. So it is to somewhat replicate that ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. tavette
    March 7, 2013 | 3:58 pm

    Ah-ha. Thank you for the explanation. Shows you that I’ve never been to a derby. I liked the idea enough to save it. Great photos and good project in which to get the kids involved.


  4. Sheri Carroll
    April 10, 2013 | 6:25 pm

    The trophies are so great! I wish I had seen them last month! We had our Derby in March and our Tigers were so excited!

  5. Melissa
    April 24, 2013 | 3:43 pm

    Oh my..what a fantastic idea!! I am glad you posted this, now I can have something to do over the summer for next year. Thank you for sharing!

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