Teacher Appreciation Week 2011

I know this seems weird but ask the previous teachers to my children- I LOVE TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK!!

About 5 years ago- I really got into it. I wish I got into it when my son was in Kindergarten. So I try to make up for it since then. But I look forward to teacher appreciation week EVERY YEAR!

My mom and dad were both educators. And I know how hard they work! My mom retired after 30+ years teaching in the public school system. So I do appreciate my kiddlets teachers ever so much!

I LOVE to craft, make cute things. Chad jumps right in with me helping create. I have YEARS of ideas i am going to share with you. I did take photos of most of my projects in the past. So I can’t wait to share them here.

Monday April 11th – Sunday April 17th — Chad and I are going to share with you the MANY different ideas for teacher gifts to share how much you appreciate. Many gifts that are SIMPLE and very inexpensive.

Teacher deserve a wonderful week of showing them how much you care. I try to go beyond the usual lotion and soap gifts.

I was a room mom for 3 years and I got to see 1st hand how much these teachers enjoy the SIMPLE thank yous. 🙂

So make sure you come back all next week (I’d rather you come back every day 🙂 ) And Check out all the cute ideas we plan to share with you.

My Daughter and her favorite teacher and asst. teacher ever!!

4 Responses to Teacher Appreciation Week 2011
  1. Kasey
    April 8, 2011 | 9:50 pm

    I figured it out! Love this pic!! Miss you guys soo much!!!

  2. SallyW
    April 17, 2011 | 2:26 pm

    Many thanks for the wonderful ideas for Teacher Appreciation Week. I do the crafts for the school principal to pass out to the teachers and staff. I
    make 5 different things – and a total of 90 daily.
    Thank you again.

  3. Jennifer Diveley
    April 26, 2011 | 12:35 pm

    I just wanted to thank you for all the wonderful Teacher Apperciation week ideas. I stummbled upon your blog and it will now be added. to one of my favorites

  4. Aileen Moore
    April 22, 2012 | 12:43 am

    Your website is really great and full of ideas. I love all of the cute things that you do for your teachers for Teachers Appreciation days and week. I bookmarked your site so one of my favorites. Thanks so much!

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Both deaf since the age of 3, Chad and Mary Beth enjoy not only raising their little family but photographing together, cooking & crafting as well. Living in Central Florida with their ... Read More About Us »