Emoji Sugar Cookies

Emoji Sugar Cookies

I am SOOO addicted to emojis on my iphone . I use them ALLL THE TIME. Even in my blogging I have emoticons in them ๐Ÿ™‚

I was hosting a party at my home. No real theme per say but all my girlfriends love to text and social media and I knew these cookies would be a hit. And they were. Everyone enjoyed them and even the POOP emoji was a hit.

Emoji Sugar Cookies

I was asked if I really owned a POOP emoji cutter. The answer is no– however I do own a CUPCAKE cutter- and using that cutter I was able to create that emoji easily in sugar cookie form.

Emoji Sugar Cookies

My son did this photo on his phone. He as absolutely laughing over them. He had to impose the actual emoji on my cookie before I got around to decorating.

This was one of my favorite creations in cookies. Definitely a conversation starter ๐Ÿ™‚ How many people do you know serve poop cookies at their parties….THIS GAL DID!

One Response to Emoji Sugar Cookies
  1. Christine
    August 28, 2015 | 7:32 pm

    tjank you for posting this. My daughter is getting a bunch of emoji items for Christmas and these will be awesome to add in the basket. Thank you for posting how to make the poop cookies… That’s my daughter’s favorite.

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