Puppy Birthday Party – Part 3 (Fun & Games)

Wrapping up the rest of the party. We had a blast with activities.

We did a group shot of the girls. (We actually did this party 2 times in 1 day– friends in the morning and family (all boys) in the evening)

If you missed our tutorial on how to make the card table dog house – CLICK HERE

Then we played obedience school ๐Ÿ™‚ (one puppy definitely not being too obedient and not quite sure what she’s doing with those balloons)

The party was held in the photography studio portion of our home (just in case you were wondering)


(Play Dead)

We then lined up into 2 teams and they had to crawl to fetch a toy rope and bring it back then the next person had to return it and then the 3rd had to bring it back. They had a blast racing and picking it up like real puppies do.

Sitting talking about their new puppies they just adopted. ๐Ÿ™‚

This little man was very excited about his new puppy he just adopted. He named him Austin. ๐Ÿ™‚ TOO CUTE!!

I also wanted to mention the green/blue/brown polka dotted balloons came from Polka Dot Market. LOVE THEM!!

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Both deaf since the age of 3, Chad and Mary Beth enjoy not only raising their little family but photographing together, cooking & crafting as well. Living in Central Florida with their ... Read More About Us ยป