Wordless Wednesday – Almost 7 years ago

April 13, 2004 – Hurricane Charley

$75K in damages – fire, lost all kitchen appliances, roof redone and structural beams replaced, lost our porch, spa and pool (all replaced)

Living in FL isn’t all Sun & Fun. 😉

5 Responses to Wordless Wednesday – Almost 7 years ago
  1. Kristina
    August 10, 2011 | 10:02 am

    I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’m from Houston where we’ve had our fair share of hurricanes as well. Fortunately, our home was never damaged, but many of our friends and even other family members had damage. These are moments to count your blessings and thank God you still have what really is important!

  2. Sallie
    August 10, 2011 | 2:28 pm

    Sorry to see all the damage. I hope you’ve fully recovered. I’ve been through a few tropical storms and hurricanes in my life. After the flooding and wind damage, we have days without power!

  3. Heather R.
    August 10, 2011 | 3:56 pm

    I am in FL as well…around the Tampa Bay area…I remember that storm well! It was supposed to hit right where we were…and it was the year we had finally moved back to FL after being gone for almost 9 years. Hurricane Jeanne is the one that ended up causing us the most damage.

  4. C&MB
    August 10, 2011 | 4:14 pm

    Yes we had 3 in a row

    August 13 – Charley
    Sept 3/4- Frances
    Sept 26 – Jeanne

    All those dates just happen to be something that OTHER than hurricane that happen to me to remember.

    Aug 13th- was our damage to our home – and it was the day I was put in the hospital (that morning) with a baby too soon to arrive (due halloween)
    Sept 3- halloween baby arrived with us
    Sept 26- the ONLY day I was not allowed to drive to the NICU to be with Halloween baby.

    I did not like 2004 very much.

    Florida took a lickin’ that year. Hope you didn’t get too much damage.

  5. staci @ lizard & ladybug
    August 10, 2011 | 7:17 pm

    I remember all of those..luckily, we made it through with only minor damage.

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