MB’s Homemade Pasta Sauce – Spaghetti Sauce

MB's Homemade Pasta Sauce - Spaghetti Sauce | NothingButCountry.com

I have a mom that loves to cook. And she taught me how to make a simple pasta sauce.  But I often times looking for different things to do to it. Or I might need MORE of it or less of it. So this recipe is inspired from my mom’s and tweaked to my creation. However my mom is still the best cook ever. 🙂

This pot of Pasta Sauce I use in alot of my cooking. I make quite a bit of it and always have left overs I can put in a zip top bag and freeze for another meal. If this is too much you are welcome to divide the recipe in half.  But pasta sauce always taste better the next day and even when I freeze and reuse it is pretty amazing!

MB's Homemade Pasta Sauce - Spaghetti Sauce | NothingButCountry.com

We have a garden and we grow alot of tomatoes however sometimes I don’t have any and can still make this suace with diced can tomatoes. I will include both variations in my recipe.

And my NEW favorite add in to my suace is…..

MB's Homemade Pasta Sauce - Spaghetti Sauce | NothingButCountry.com

Pesto!! I get this at Aldi’s.  I use this ALOT now. I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS STUFF!! Always putting some in my cooking.   DELISH!!!

This pasta sauce is VERY EASY to make- however the longer you allow it to simmer the full amount of time the better. Just keep that in mind 🙂




One Response to MB’s Homemade Pasta Sauce – Spaghetti Sauce
  1. […] I first start my pasta sauce if I do not have some in the freezer from making before hand.  Here is a link to my pasta sauce that I use on many of my recipes. — CLICK HERE […]

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