Easter & Visiting Teaching April 2013 Candy Flower Favors

Easter & Visiting Teaching April 2013 Candy Flower Favors | NothingButCountry.com

I made these for both Easter Sunday favors and made extras for my sisters in church I will go Visiting Teach. April and Spring/Flowers seemed appropriate.

They were very simple to make.

I collected baby food jars from friends. I LOVE LOVE LOVE JARS!!! I have an addiction to all types of jars!

I simply washed the jars and the lids on the outside wiped them down with turpentine to get the ink off the lids. It will bleed through if you skip this step.

Easter & Visiting Teaching April 2013 Candy Flower Favors | NothingButCountry.com

Once the lids were cleaned and washed as well, I drilled a hole in the center large enough for a lollipop stick to fit in them. I used the longer size sticks found at my craft store or you can purchase these – CLICK HERE

Drill bit needs to be a bit bigger than 5/32″

Then simply spray the lids with your favorite spray paint. Only spray on the top- the insides will need to stay clear from spray paint since it will be near food.

Easter & Visiting Teaching April 2013 Candy Flower Favors | NothingButCountry.com

I filled the jars with these really cute jelly beans. I used 6 1/2 bags to fill 20 jars.

I then cut out all my shapes on my Silhouette.

I have included the file with the leaves to share here.

Easter & Visiting Teaching April 2013 Candy Flower Favors | NothingButCountry.com


I created these shapes myself. The slits in the “heart” will form the leaves and easly fit over your lollipop stick.

Easter & Visiting Teaching April 2013 Candy Flower Favors | NothingButCountry.com

Once all your shapes are cut out and you assembled your flowers. (gluing on a circle center to your flowers of your choice colors) I slipped the leaf over the stick and it held in place well. I used cardstock.

Easter & Visiting Teaching April 2013 Candy Flower Favors | NothingButCountry.com

I then taped on the flower to the sticks and inserted the sticks into the jar. Sometimes it was hard to push the stick all the way down, to ease it in straight I would turn the jar upside down and that allowed the stick to go in easier 🙂

These were the favors I left on the table for everyone at Easter.

For my sisters I visiting teach- I used a quote from the April 2013 Visiting Teaching message –

“As we remember the covenants we make within [the temple], we will be more able to bear every trial and to overcome each temptation.”

Easter & Visiting Teaching April 2013 Candy Flower Favors | NothingButCountry.com


I added those onto a tag. Printed them out and used my 2 1/2″ Scallop Punch to cut out the flower shapes. Hole punched and tied them on to the flowers.

Easter & Visiting Teaching April 2013 Candy Flower Favors | NothingButCountry.com

Easter & Visiting Teaching April 2013 Candy Flower Favors | NothingButCountry.com

The sisters loved them and they turned out so cute!! ALSO April 22nd is Earth Day so flowers are very appropriate too if you visit them near the end of the month.

Easter & Visiting Teaching April 2013 Candy Flower Favors | NothingButCountry.com

I just love how they turned out and I hope this helps inspires you when you are looking for a little something to gift this spring time!





2 Responses to Easter & Visiting Teaching April 2013 Candy Flower Favors
  1. Robin
    April 25, 2013 | 12:46 am

    Do you sell these VT flower handouts? They are SO cute!

  2. Jamie Chessor
    May 31, 2013 | 9:56 am

    I have not been able to download the pattern for the flowers. They are so cute, I’d love to use this as a favor at our adoption party! Is there anyway to get it? Thanks!

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