Counting down to Halloween – Free Printable


I had planned to bag up some candy corn (as we have way too much in this house and needs to be given away). I wanted to make a tag that says 7 days till Halloween for the kids in my daughters class.

I was browsing Pinterest today and came across this link. “Count’s Teeth” I thought HOW CUTE!!! Then I realized I could play off that for “Counting Down” as I had originally wanted.

Pinterest link to the original owner being – her’s is so cute. However I just do not have the patience to cut out all the pieces to make it as cute as hers. So I created one in Photo Shop. My favorite program ever. πŸ™‚

Here is what the quick tag I created in Photo Shop looks like πŸ™‚ Printed 3 to a page and cut out and folded over.

I had gotten the candy corn bags at the Dollar Tree. They are 3 1/2 inch wide bags but any cello bag around that size would work with this tag πŸ™‚

Filled it with a handful of candy corn , added the tag and a staple and had a cute little gift for my daughter’s classmates.

Love to share the printable to pass on if you would like to use it before Halloween is here in a week from today. (BOY TIME FLIES!!)


My daughter is sooo excited to take these to school.Β  I wish my son was not to old for this- I would be doing this for his class too. But its UNCOOL when you’re in middle school πŸ™‚

Here is the back view of the candy πŸ™‚

I am SO SO glad to get these candy corns out of the house πŸ™‚Β  We still have 2 LARGE bags left. ACK!! πŸ™‚


Thanks again for the inspiration!!

3 Responses to Counting down to Halloween – Free Printable
  1. Patty
    October 24, 2011 | 1:24 pm

    This is so cute! I may try and add candy corn colors to the Counts teeth, though. You have such awesome ideas:)

  2. Vicky
    October 25, 2011 | 12:46 am

    These are so cute! Thanks for sharing! I have stumbled this post. I am a new Twitter follower. Vicky from

  3. CM2
    August 19, 2012 | 6:44 pm

    What a great idea! Thanks for the inspiration and printable share!

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